To create headings, use hash symbols (#) followed by a space. The number of hash symbols indicates the heading level.
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Simply type non-indented text, surrounded by empty lines.
<!-- empty line -->
I really like using Markdown.
<!-- empty line -->
I think I'll use it to format all of my content from now on.
<!-- empty line -->
I really like using Markdown.
I think I’ll use it to format all of my content from now on.
Use double *
or _
to denote bold text.
it was the **best** of times,
it was the __worst__ of times
It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times
Use single *
to denote italic text.
it was the age of *wisdom*,
it was the age of *foolishness*
it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness
Bold and Italic
Use *
, **
and _
to combine effects.
it was the season of ***light***,
it was the season of *__darkness__*
it was the season of light,
it was the season of darkness
Line breaks
Use triple ---
to denote a line break.
<!-- empty line -->
<!-- empty line -->
Links can be added using the [title](url)
Nano was made with [Astro](https://astro.build)
Nano was made with Astro
Quick link
Add an quick link using the <url>
Email link
Add an email link using the <emailaddress>
Email me at <[email protected]> using your mail app.
Email me at [email protected] using your mail app.
Ordered Lists
Add a number followed by a period for items. For sub items, indent.
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
1. Sub item 1
2. Sub item 2
3. Item 3
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Sub item 1
- Sub item 2
- Item 3
Unordered List
Add a -
or +
for items. Don’t mix. For sub items, indent.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Sub item 1
- Sub item 2
- Item 3
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Sub item 1
- Sub item 2
- Item 3
Relative Image
Use the 
pattern relative to the same folder as the markdown file. Notice the period.

Public Image
Use the 
pattern relative to the public folder. No period.

External Image
Use the 

To add a blockquote add a >
before a paragraph. For multi-line blockquotes,
add additional >
for each line and include an empty spacer line.
> it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
> Charles Dickens
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
~ Charles Dickens
Use the tilde ~
symbol to strikethrough text.
~The earth is round.~ The earth is flat.
The earth is round. The earth is flat.
Use the <sub>
tag to denote subscript.
Use the <sup>
tag to denote superscript.
Use the <kbd>
tag to denote keys on the keyboard.
<kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>ALT</kbd> + <kbd>Delete</kbd>
CTRL + ALT + Delete
Use the <abbr>
tag to denote abbreviation.
<abbr title="Graphics Interchange Format">GIF</abbr>
Use the <mark>
tag to denote highlighted text.
<mark>Very important text</mark>
Very important text
Task Lists
Combine a list with 2 square brackets. spc
incomplete x
- [x] Take out trash
- [ ] Mow the lawn
- [ ] Buy more bitcoin
- Take out trash
- Mow the lawn
- Buy more bitcoin
Use -
for header, |
for columns, :
for alignment.
| Item | Ct |
| :------ | --: |
| Bread | 1 |
| Milk | 1 |
| Haribo | 10 |
Item | Buy |
Bread | 1 |
Milk | 1 |
Haribo | 10 |
Add a caret and an id inside brackets [^1]
to create a footnote.
Here's a simple footnote, [^1] and here's a another one. [^2]
[^1]: This is the first footnote.
[^2]: This is the second footnote.
Here’s a simple footnote, 1 and here’s a another one. 2
See the bottom of the page to view the footnotes.
Use backticks ` to denote a word or phrase as code.
Code Blocks
Denote a code block by enclosing a section of valid code in triple backticks. Syntax highlight the code by using the shorthand symbol for the language. Ex: js, javascript, python
function hello() {
console.log("hello world");
function hello() {
console.log("hello world");
Please refer to markdownguide.org for best practices as well as advanced and extended syntax.
https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/